Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Lessons on Reflections

When do you reflect on what just happened? 

I have found that most leaders are running so fast from completed project to the start of the next project that they never leave time for stopping to learn from what just happened. 

What insights, lessons, or do overs are you missing out on?  If you have to do this project again (or a similar type event) in the future, here are a few questions to consider asking yourself:
  • What would you do different?
  • What would you keep the same?
  • What would you not do (the next time around)?
  • What would you add?
  • What would you try/experiment with next time?

The magic is not in the questions asked, but in the slowing down and reflecting on the events.  That is where the lessons are learned and your growth as a leader occurs.  Slow down, reflect and you will get more done.

What is one thing you have learned from reflecting back on last week?

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